Dr. R. Selvakumar, B.H.M.S is the founder of SHREERAM HOMEO CLINIC, and has been doing successful treatment since 1999 at Chennai Tamil Nadu. He is the pioneer of modern homeopathy and his dedication towards the diabetes in homeopathy since 25 yrs. He is also treating the challenging diseases like Cirrhosis of Liver, Asthma, Kidney Failure, Uterine & Ovarian Tumours, Rheumatic Arthritis, Diabetes, etc. He provides painless Homeopathic Medicine without side effect and reviving the hope of those who have lost their faith. He completed BHMS degree from Govt Homeopathy Medical College at Thirumangalam in Madurai, Tamil Nadu. He gained knowledge of Homeopathic Practice by sitting along with Dr. KOPPIKAR who was the famous Homeopath in India, His specialised treament for Diabetics in Homeopathy to cure (or) Control with the help of constitution Homeopathic Medicine and treat the complications of Diabetic Retinopathy, Nephropathy, Neuropathy, Non Healing Ulcers, Gangrene, etc. He happens to be one amongst the few Homeopathic Physicians in the country, specially known for the treatment of Diabetes. He has presented numerous scientific papers on Homeopathy in seminars at national level. He used to write Articles on Diabetes, Rheumatic Arthritis, Piles, Asthma, Sinusitis etc. in daily Newspaper and Monthly Magazines…